Links to the Trade

World-class Gemological Laboratories

Alluvial Mining Equipment

  • Keene Engineering – World’s largest manufacturer of state of the art, portable Mining Equipment as well as high output industrial quality dredges for commercial operations for over 50 years. It could be said that Keene Engineering has mastered the designs for the entire world cottage mining industry where meticulous recovery of diamonds, gold, and alluvial gemstones is the goal. They have spent more on research, development, and engineering than any other single entity in their field of expertise.

Gemological Microscopes and Fiber-optic Lighting Systems

  • Meiji Techno (Microscopes) – Meiji Techno is the third-largest optical microscope manufacturer in Japan. They produce the finest gemological microscopes in the world today. Their state-of-the-art product line of gemological microscopes are designed to perfection for the Diamond and Gem Industry. The diamond microscopes with their excellent optical systems have been engineered for absolute accuracy of function, durability, and convenience of use.
  • Meiji Techno (Fiber-optic Illuminators) – Meiji’s fiber-optic systems are engineered and designed for heavy-duty use, practicality, suitability, and work flawlessly for the Diamond Rough Trade.

Kenneth Glasser Company,, and the DiamondRough® Education Course for the Trade uses Meiji Techno microscopes and fiber-optic illuminators in all our diamond rough work and professional training. They are without question our supplier of choice.