Diamond Rough Sales Catalog & Report
Our website offers only a fraction of what we stock. We have Thousands of Single Rough Stones available for sale, as well as a wide variety of Parcel Groups.
In addition to the Catalog, you will receive a sample Diamond Rough Grading Certificates that we can produce for any specific stone. The Rough Diamonds being offered for sale range from smaller than .01ct. (in Parcel Lots) to single stones weighing well over 100.00 carats each. The Diamond Rough Catalog includes Rough Diamond Crystals for Jewelry Use, Cuttable Rough, Industrial Diamonds and Specimen Rough for immediate purchase. Every Standard Crystal shape of Diamond Rough is in stock: Octahedral, Dodecahedral, Macle, Cube, Round and Ballas. We also carry Thousands of Non-Standard Crystals: Twinned Multi-Crystals, Free Forms, and Hundreds of Unique One-of-a-Kind Shapes. Some types of Processed Rough are available; these include milled, drilled, sawn tops, etc.
The Diamond Rough Catalog & Report contains a vast amount of valuable trade information on Cuttables, Industrials and Specimens. Current Global Market conditions are spoken of. We have developed an excellent and precise method of Rough Diamond Grading that covers every aspect of a Rough Diamond or Rough Parcel Group. The catalogs contain in-depth data in the critical areas of crystal shape (i.e. Octahedron, Macle, Cube, etc.), weight, color, surface appearance, price, and commentary about any specific, outstanding, or unusual features. If a Cuttable Diamond Crystal or Rough Parcel is not an “A-B-C” obvious outcome, we often state what we feel the Stone or Parcel’s potential is when cut. Industrial Diamonds generally speak for themselves. Rough Specimens can always be used in several ways such as Display, Jewelry Use as-is, and Experimentation. They can can always be used Industrially.
Rough Market Price Indicator:
The Catalog can be used to evaluate and understand current Rough Diamond Price Conditions based upon availability, demand, and type of purchaser (mine distribution, wholesaler, manufacturer, retailer, industrial, etc.).
We also offer a specialized Diamond Rough Buying Service for specific types of Rough Diamonds or for Quantity Gathering of any type. The Rough catalog w/ prices may be used as an approximate indicator of present market wholesale conditions for the grades, types and quantities of Diamond Rough that we are offering for sale.
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Other Catalogs:
We also offer a specialized “Diamond Rough™” Education Course. Please read more about this rare educational opportunity.