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Polished Diamond Bead (Drilled) – Ovalish Shape – 12.89 ct. (PDB-1289)

This Fancy Brownish Orange Bead (12.89ct.) is Highly Translucent with a nice straight internal diameter hole which is both large and very versatile. It is the longest straight laser hole we, and our current laser technology, have ever made. There is very real danger to Diamond Crystals when producing such long straight holes. This Drilled Polished Bead is a great achievement that we are very proud of.

A note about the Color: Our second image in the gallery (with the string through the bead) has a light shining directly on the stone. This is for the purpose of showing transparency, and the direct light changes the color of the Bead in the image. The first gallery image should be used to assess Color.



WEIGHT: 12.89 ct.

COLOR (APPROXIMATE): Fancy Brownish Orange

SURFACE: Faceted

CLARITY: Very Translucent